A fan tribute site for SGU Stargate Universe Dr Nicholas Rush played by Robert Carlyle
Plot summary: The Destiny needs to be refueled but every time they come out of hyperspace the drones
seem to be waiting for them. It's not obvious how the drones know they're there but it doesn't matter a great deal since
they only have one more try before running out of fuel completely. Ely suggests they go through a Blue Super Giant star,
though the heat it creates might destroy the ship. They have little choice so Col. Young evacuates everyone to the only
planet available with the exception of Ely and Rush.
Info from IMDB
48 hover pics--96 pics--Page 2

SGU Stargate Universe is the property of MGM and I have no claims on the characters or the show itself.
This is only a fan site with a fan sharing her love for the show and for the character Dr Rush.
Images obtained using a screen capture program.
Created June 29, 2012