A fan tribute site for SGU Stargate Universe Dr Nicholas Rush played by Robert Carlyle
Plot summary: When Camille and Sgt. Greer use the communications stones to return to Earth,
they arrive to learn there is a high state of alert in anticipation of an attack from the Lucian Alliance.
They've barely arrived when an explosion traps them in the building where they find high levels of radiation
and where, they are told, there is a large bomb still waiting to go off. On board the destiny meanwhile,
visiting Senator Michaels and Dr. Andrew Covel arrive to assess the viability of the mission and determine
whether the government should invest in a new Icarus base.
Info from IMDB
48 hover pics

SGU Stargate Universe is the property of MGM and I have no claims on the characters or the show itself.
This is only a fan site with a fan sharing her love for the show and for the character Dr Rush.
Images obtained using a screen capture program.
Created June 29, 2012