A fan tribute site for SGU Stargate Universe Dr Nicholas Rush played by Robert Carlyle
Plot summary: Simeon has killed Ginn - whose body contained Dr. Amanda Perry's consciousness
and taken Lisa Park prisoner before using the gate to get to a nearby planet.
An outraged Dr. Rush sets off on his own to find him but Lt. Scott and Sgt. Greer soon join him. Simeon is quite
happy to lead them on a chase and taunts Rush at every opportunity. When Rush finally catches up with him, he has a
surprise for him. He may have acted too quickly however. On board the Destiny, a distraught Eli is doing his best
to slow the jump clock to give those on the planet more time.
Info from IMDB
48 hover pics--96 pics--Page 2

SGU Stargate Universe is the property of MGM and I have no claims on the characters or the show itself.
This is only a fan site with a fan sharing her love for the show and for the character Dr Rush.
Images obtained using a screen capture program.
Created June 29, 2012