Plot summary: Former government agent Jack Bauer is in a self-imposed
exile in the fictitious African country of Sangala where he hopes to escape from a U.S.
investigation of him for his past methods, and to run from his past. Bauer works at a
mission school for orphaned children run by his friend Carl Benton. The country is at the
mercy of a rogue warlord general named Juma who is plotting a coup to overthrow the government
and his right-hand man Colonel Dubaku, is abducting orphan boys and forcibly recruiting
them into Juma's army. Bauer and Benton must work together to save the dozen or so boys and
try to get them out of the country before Juma takes over.
Info from IMDB
This site does not infringe on the rights of Robert Carlyle or any of the movies/TV shows used within.
It is only a fan site with a fan showing her appreciation of the very talented Robert Carlyle.
Images obtained using a screen capture program. Created July 29, 2012